
May 8, 2020

Pricing Patient Lives

Health economist Dr. Paul C. Langley explains the faults in ICER’s price calculations. Dr. Bob discusses his antibody test for COVID-19, and Kate speaks with a mother whose son passed away due to insulin rationing. Guest: Pau...

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May 1, 2020

Last in Line: Chronic Illness

Many patients with chronic illnesses have had their treatments delayed or postponed as healthcare shifts its focus to COVID-19. Lifesaving procedures for the chronically ill have been put on the back burner. How does the heal...

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April 24, 2020

Restoring the Patient Voice

Restaurant menus list their prices. So why not hospitals? Unfortunately, patients usually don’t know the cost of their procedure or medication until they get the bill. Getting access to hospital pricing is also just as diffic...

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April 17, 2020

How to Avoid Drug Shortages

COVID-19 has brought global attention to the fragility of the medical supply chain. For those with chronic illnesses, drug shortages and access to medication often are lifelong battles. As the coronavirus spread begins to slo...

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April 10, 2020

New COVID-19 Treatments

Medical supply chains that transport medications for chronically ill patients are at risk of shutting down due to COVID-19. And for those that have contracted the disease, getting access to clinical trials is not an easy proc...

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April 3, 2020

COVID-19 Epicenters

As coronavirus continues to spread across New York City, other virus hot spots are emerging across the country, including Detroit and New Orleans. These epicenters are seeing a surge in coronavirus patients but lack the medic...

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March 27, 2020

COVID-19 Treatments

Both the federal and state governments have begun turning to the private sector for solutions to supply tests, masks, and other necessary materials for fighting COVID-19. The private sector may also have potential coronavirus...

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March 20, 2020

COVID-19 and Supplies

Fears of shortages of critical health supplies like hospital gowns, masks and drugs are a big topic on every media channel. Public health leaders are concerned about reports healthcare professionals are running short of the p...

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March 13, 2020

Coronavirus and Chronic Disease

What does coronavirus spread across the country mean for the 10 million Americans who are immuno-deficient? While COVID-19 poses a risk for the elderly, it is also concerning for Americans suffering from underlying chronic he...

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March 6, 2020

Biosimilars: What You Need to Know

Price: one the of largest barriers to medical treatment and accessible medicine. As many patients struggle to afford the high price tags at the pharmacy, there might soon be a solution. As more biosimilars enter the commercia...

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Feb. 28, 2020

How Insurers Double Dip with Copay Accumulators

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services are about to put a rule in place that allows insurers and pharmacy benefit managers to get paid TWICE for some of your prescriptions. This policy is called “the copay accumulator,”...

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